11 July 2013

Princesse à Berlin

I was charmed at once.  Perhaps it was coming to a European city I'd never been to before.  It was definitely these slate steps leading up to the side door to my abode for the week.  May have been the bird calls everywhere.  Or simply the fact that I made it to my destination after being in many modes of transportation for a few hours.

Of course, a tall dark handsome man only slightly older than me showed me inside, and I was immediately offered 'house shoes' (in France we call them chaussons and of course they were required for all of our classrooms in the wintertime).  Charmed again.  I couldn't help but smile.  I was full of dust and grime from a full day in Brussels and much travel but I already had a bit of a tour of Berlin from the public transport and already had a glimpse of the beauty in this place.

I was led up two stories to a very, very skinny staircase which leads up to my tower.  The attic is yours, princess. I love it already.  My attic consists of two rooms and five windows, a persian rug on my floor and an antique desk armoire for me to put my things in and use as a desk.  Of course in the morning I flew open the windows and sang to the world outside (no, I'm not kidding) (and don't worry, I didn't call in any rodents) (and don't worry, I definitely stopped when I realized the father was watering the garden directly beneath me).

The best part is not my attic though.  They have a Mariah room.  I mean, they have a music room! Complete with cello, bass, flute, harp, and piano.  Of course it's a German piano with an extra octave string a centimeter above for every note that resonates sympathetically with the playing of the piano.  Although it could use a tuning & technical touch-up, it was a pleasure to practice for a few hours.  And they did make me promise that I'd play the harp before I left.  How could I not feel like royalty when served by such generous, kind, previous mission presidents, always serving kind of people who make my favorite breakfast every morning?  This is going to be a good trip.

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