24 December 2011


Filled with Carols, both felt and sung
Filled with twinkling of the candles & stars
Filled with smells of spices and Warmth
Filled with feasts of Words and of bread
Filled with favorite stories of renewal and good will
Filled with the Joy of human's love
Filled with the Spirit so palpable, I cry
Filled with a heart swelling as great as this world
Filled with Love from the dear ones nearby
Filled with Thanks for comforts and rest
Filled with admiration for Joseph, now 206!
Filled with inspiration to do better and be more--
Filled with Song.  Hope, and Joy.
Filled with family's laughter and Trust
Filled with surprises & anticipation for what's next
Filled with memories to make any lifetime content
Filled with traditions, both old and the new
Filled with newness, lists and goals
Filled with empathy for those feeling remorse
Filled with courage to start again, persevere
Filled with Giving, sharing, partaking
Filled with a mind, open for increase
Filled with thoughts I could ponder for years
Filled with Charity. Serenity, Peace.
Filled with fresh Vision from the True guide
Filled with recognition of what's given and required
Filled with humility for particular gifts of Light
Filled with Faith and engendered confidence
Filled with Desires so deeply rooted in my core
Filled with Emotion, Christ-like and human
Filled with Wonder, awe and cheers
Filled with Gloria's, praising God above
Filled with Rejoicing for goodness imparted to me
Filled with astonishment at how far these feelings reach...

Memories and traditions from the past, Love and serenity in the moment, and awaiting the brightest future... This is how I feel today.

Merry,  Merry,   Merry Christmas.


Mariah :) said...

Merry Christmas!

Mum said...

filled with love for you my christmas child.