15 July 2013


Most days here have been pretty overcast, but one of my days here when I happened to spend the whole day out of doors the sun was beating down all afternoon.  I did indulge in a gelato at the Sony center, but that didn't seem to refresh my feet which were sore and swollen from being up on them all day long. But when you are in a place like Berlin, you can't afford to stop and get off your feet!  Every corner you turn, there is more history, modern and ancient architecture, the Reformation, the Wars, the aristocracy, picturesque parcs... :) 

While walking around one of my favorite dirt pathways alongside the Spree river, I spotted a children's play set behind the trees which blocked my pathway from the reality of the city.  I didn't even have to hop the fence as the gate was open to this deserted playground.  So I made myself at home and grabbed a swing.  
It was simply wonderful.  I thought back to all the hours that I spent on swings as a girl, and took a break.  As I swung higher and higher, I could see across the river to beautiful red roofs (above) and if I could look far enough down the river to the left, I could see Berlin's Dom peeking through the trees.  Wow. It is a sight to see.  So happily situated, guarded from the city noises, swinging through the air alone with my thoughts... it was quite magical actually. 

After seeing the outside of the Dom, I decided that I was definitely time to go visit.  From the outside, so many of the churches here look like big beautiful Catholic European churches.  But so many of them have white stark interior, helping you focus on the sermons instead of the sculptures and stained glass I suppose.  (If my churches were latin, I'd want some stained glass too!) But this church was just as grand inside as anything I have ever seen.  And yet it was also different from anything I'd seen.

Instead of the apostles and the Madonna towering over every corner, the reformers stand around the center dome: Friedric Weiss, Philip Grossmütig, Zwingly, Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Albert von Preuswen, and Joachim II.  My favorite of the characters were the relief sculptures between the reformers of great miracles-- Daniel, Paul, Stephen & Peter acting according to the word of the Lord.  I've seen so many churches of this size and grandure, but I am rarely touched in this way. The feeling in that church is very special.  As I was finally preparing myself to have to go (I usually have to drag myself out of churches), an organist started to play.  It was so glorious that I had to wait and worship in this place just a little longer. 

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